Guidelines for manuscript submission

EuroDefense Joven España publishes articles and analyses on various topics related to Security and Defense, in line with its ultimate purpose, with a national, supranational, and international scope. 


  1. Thematic Areas

The association has agreed upon six general thematic categories:

  • Intelligence 
  • Geopolitics
  • Terrorism
  • Cybersecurity
  • Financial Crime
  • AI and Data Analysis


  1. Manuscript Presentation and Typology

Submissions may be original or previously published but must adhere to a specific format and formal structure.

In general, manuscripts (including notes) should be presented in Times New Roman, size 12. The document should have 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins.

The length varies depending on the type of manuscript

Article (web/blog post): Word count should range between 800 and 1300 words. This  manuscript is intended to provide descriptive content, aiming for impartiality, serving as a news update on a significant current event. References may be included but are not mandatory. However, any information derived from external sources must be properly cited following the prescribed citation standards. 

Analysis: The manuscript should be between 1500 and 3000 words, excluding the abstract, notes, appendices, and bibliography. The abstract should be approximately 150-200 words. This type of manuscript is expected to offer a more rigorous scientific-technical contribution, supported by a multidisciplinary approach and detailed analysis. Proper bibliographic references must be included in accordance with the agreed standards.

Note: A variation of 50 words from the minimum or maximum word count is acceptable.

The structure is uniform for both articles and analyses and includes: 

  1. Header: Author’s name(s), email address, affiliation, and/or workplace, and a brief curriculum note. Note: If the original author wishes to remain anonymous, the association will act as the “representative author.”
  2. Abstract and Keywords: The abstract is only required for analyses. Keywords (4-5) are required for both types of manuscripts.
  3. Body
  4. Notes (if applicable): It is advisable to minimize the use of notes unless strictly necessary for clarity.
  5. Bibliographic References (if applicable)
  6. Appendices (if applicable)


  1. Bibliographic Criteria (Citations and References)

Bibliographic references must be formatted according to APA guidelines. For detailed guidance, please refer to the Mendeley APA Citation Guide (, which includes examples of how to cite various sources. This guide also covers specific issues such as in-text and out-of-text citations.

Note: It is imperative to adhere strictly to these guidelines to avoid issues related to copyright infringement.


  1. Submission Procedure

Manuscripts should be sent to the email address ([email protected]) and must include the following information: 

-Subject: Surname(s) and Name + Thematic Area

-Message: Title of the Manuscript

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, with no fixed deadlines. The association remains open to receiving manuscripts at any time.

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